Terms of use for the Social Video Hub

§ 1
Terms of use

The following terms of use govern the user relationships (rights, obligations, liability) of the persons named in § 2 when using the Social Video Hub. The Social Video Hub is a product created by Ghostthinker GmbH (hereinafter “Ghostthinker”).

The use of the Social Video Hub is part of your collaboration with / activity for an organization (“Organization”) that uses the Social Video Hub under a user agreement with Ghostthinker.

Rights and obligations in the sense of contractual claims therefore only exist in the relationship (a) between you and the organization and (b) between the organization and Ghostthinker.

§ 2

(1) The use of the Social Video Hub is generally reserved for employees of the organization and all users who have a relationship with the organization.

(2) Individual content may be reserved for certain user groups. The decision on this remains with the organization itself.

§ 3

(1) This Agreement applies while the Organization is authorized to use the Social Video Hub and you can use the Social Video Hub on this basis.

(2) If there is an important reason, the organization is entitled to block your access immediately and without prior notice for an indefinite period.

(3) The organization is entitled, but not obliged, to delete the contributions or other content created or posted by you as a user; a claim to the transfer of the created or posted contributions or other content is excluded.

§ 4

(1) Access to the services of the Social Video Hub requires registration and acceptance of these Terms of Use. You must personally accept the terms of use. Registration by third parties or on behalf of a third party is not permitted.

(2) You undertake to provide the information required for registration truthfully. When storing the data, the organization observes the applicable data protection regulations, regulated under § 8 Data protection of these terms of use.

(3) With your registration and the acceptance of these terms of use, a contract of use with the content of these terms of use is concluded between you and the organization.

(4) Before registering, minors must ensure that the persons authorized to represent them (usually parents) give their consent to registration. The organization reserves the right to check the declaration of consent.

§ 5
User obligations

(1) You undertake to use the Social Video Hub appropriately, i.e. in particular,

  • to comply with the provisions of these Terms of Use and to refrain from doing anything that could disrupt the proper operation of the Social Video Hub,
  • to refrain from any misuse of software, in particular the copying of copyrighted software,
  • to work exclusively under your own user ID,
  • to keep their password confidential, in particular to take sufficient precautions to prevent third parties from gaining access to the courses offered by the edubreak APP via their access code,
  • to observe the requirements of data protection,
  • not to disseminate any offensive, threatening, obscene, racist or otherwise immoral or illegal statements to other users of the Internet,
  • not to use e-mail addresses or other data of other users of the Social Video Hub for commercial purposes or to make them accessible to third parties.

(2) Before publishing and posting your contributions and other content, you undertake to check whether they contain information or content that you are not permitted to publish or do not wish to publish. Furthermore, as a user, you are obliged to recognize and respect the existing copyrights of the information, texts, images, videos, graphics, sounds and other materials and content provided or otherwise contained in the Social Video Hub, which are generally protected by copyright. Where necessary, you are responsible for acquiring the rights of use required to use such information, texts, images, videos, graphics, sounds and other materials and content.

(3) You shall indemnify the organization against all claims asserted by third parties against the organization or Ghostthinker due to a breach by the user of statutory provisions, third-party rights (in particular personal rights, copyrights and trademark rights) or contractual obligations, assurances or guarantees, including the costs of the necessary legal defence (legal fees and court costs at the statutory rate) upon first request. Further claims for damages remain unaffected.


(4) In the Social Video Hub, users can be added to a team and also excluded from a team at any time by administrators of the respective team. If users are excluded from a team, their contributions will remain in the team and the contributions will also retain their assignment to the users. Ghostthinker is working on giving users the opportunity to edit and delete posts in teams to which they no longer belong as soon as possible. Until then, users who wish to edit and delete posts should contact the administrators of the respective team.

§ 6
Refusal of admission/exclusion

(1) Admission to the Social Video Hub may be denied in whole or in part. Permissions may also be subsequently restricted or revoked by temporarily or permanently excluding you from use, in whole or in part (“exclusion”). Sentence 1 applies in particular if

  • regulations of the organization prevent use,
  • the terms of use have been culpably violated,
  • the services of the Social Video Hub were misused for criminal acts,
  • the organization is disadvantaged by your other unlawful conduct,
  • you do not fulfill the admission requirements according to §§ 2 and 4.

(2) The exclusion shall be pronounced by the head of the organization.

§ 7

(1) The copyright for the contributions and other content posted by you as a user in the Social Video Hub, insofar as these are copyrightable, regularly remains with you as a user. 

(2) The rights of use mentioned under (1) shall also remain unrestricted in the event that your account used to participate in the activities of the organization is deleted, blocked or becomes inadmissible or unusable in any other way. Furthermore, as a user you have no claim against the organization for deletion or correction of the contributions or other content posted by you.

(3) You are responsible for the content you post. The organization assumes no liability for violations of copyright law.

(4) Professional contributions and other content provided in the Social Video Hub remain stored in the system.

§ 8
Data protection

Information on data protection and the purpose, type and scope of the collection, processing and use of personal data can be found in the organization’s privacy policy, which can be accessed via the link “www.social-video-hub.de/datenschutz”. 

§ 9

(1) Unless expressly stipulated otherwise elsewhere, you as a user shall be liable to the Organization for all damages incurred by the Organization as a result of your participation in the Social Video Hub, as well as due to or in connection with the contributions or other content posted or provided by you in the Social Video Hub, unless you have not culpably caused these damages. 

§ 10
Restriction of use, amendment of the terms of use, final provision

(1) The organization may temporarily restrict the use of the Social Video Hub or temporarily block individual user IDs if this is necessary for troubleshooting, system administration and system expansion, system security or to protect user data. Registered users must be informed of these measures in advance if possible.

(2) These terms of use may be amended at any time.

(3) The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply.

Update 30. September 2023

Terms of use for Confluence

§ 1
Terms of use

The following terms of use regulate the user relationships (rights, obligations, liability) of the persons named in § 2 when using the SVH Confluence Plugin. The SVH Confluence plugin is an application created by Ghostthinker GmbH (subsequent  ‘Ghostthinker’). The SVH Confluence enables access to the functionalities of Social Video Hub application from the Confluence application, and the SVH Confluence plugin can be accessed and used through the Atlassian Marketplace. The SVH Confluence Plugin is generally used as part of your collaboration with / activity for an organisation (Organisation) that uses Social Video Hub as part of a user agreement with Ghostthinker.

The installation and execution of the SVH Confluence Plugin is also possible for persons who have not concluded a user agreement with Ghostthinker for the Social Video Hub or who do not belong to an organisation that has concluded a user agreement with Ghostthinker for the Social Video Hub. 

The functionalities of the SVH Confluence plugin can only be used by people who are authorised to use the Social Video Hub themselves or for an organisation.

§ 2

These terms of use apply for an indefinite period.

§ 3
User obligations

All users undertake to use the SVH Confluence plugin appropriately

  • to comply with the provisions of these Terms of Use and to refrain from doing anything that could disrupt the proper operation of the SVH Confluence Plugin,
  • to refrain from any improper use of software, in particular the copying of copyrighted software,
  • to work exclusively under your own user ID,
  • to keep their password confidential, in particular to take sufficient precautions to prevent third parties from gaining access to the Social Video Hub via their access ID,
  • to observe the requirements of data protection.

§ 4
Amendment, final provisions

(1) These terms of use may be amended at any time.

(2) The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply.

Update: 1 July 2024