Video management - Video training - Video collaboration

The video platform for your organization

The Social Video Hub is your central touchpoint for videos. This is where you document your organization’s knowledge, organize videos and offer interactive training that is fun and effective.

Finanziert von der Europäischen Union

Discover collaborative knowledge management of the future

Ideal for decentralized teams

A central platform for cooperation and knowledge exchange

With the Social Video Hub, you create a central space for digital collaboration in your organization. This is the ideal solution for effective video management.

The core of social video

Interactive video player

The highly performant video player with its features enables seamless and location-independent collaboration. Discuss and elaborate precisely on sequences in the video, edit scenes directly in the video to emphasize content or test knowledge and understanding in the video using various query methods.

Social Video Player SVH

Making topics clear and transparent

Social video board as a visual workspace

Collect results and thoughts together on a virtual whiteboard in real time. Edit the content live and synchronously and design it.

Three reasons why videos should be part of future-proof knowledge management

Videos make knowledge visible and increase entrepreneurial success

Solange Wissen nur in den Köpfen Einzelner steckt, besteht die Gefahr, es zu verlieren. Der Hub hilft, dieses Wissen durch Videos zu bewahren, sichtbar zu machen und weiterzuentwickeln. Anleitungen, Supportvideos, Präsentationen und Unternehmensupdates können leicht organisiert und kategorisiert werden. Die KI-gestützte Suche liefert sekundenschnell Antworten.

As long as knowledge is only in the minds of individuals, there is a risk of losing it. The Social Video Hub helps thereby making implicit knowledge visibile, transparent and easily accessibly. Instructions, tutorial videos, presentations and company updates can be easily organized and provided. 

Social video brings people together anytime and anywhere

Transparente Zusammenarbeit und gute Übergaben sind entscheidend für erfolgreiche Projekte. Interaktive Videos schaffen diese Transparenz und fördern Dialog und Kollaboration. Im Social Video Player arbeitet ihr nahtlos und ortsunabhängig zusammen. Kommentare klären Rückfragen, Markierungen geben Hinweise, und Umfragen klären offene Punkte. Für weiterführende Arbeiten nutzt ihr das Social Video Board. Social Video macht geteiltes Wissen verständlich, unterstützt Kreativprozesse, sorgt für reibungslose Übergaben und unterstützt dezentrale Teams.

Transparent teamwork and good handovers are essential for successful projects. Interactive videos create this transparency and promote dialog and collaboration. In the Social Video Player, you can work together seamlessly and from any location. Comments clarify questions, markers provide tips and surveys clarify open points. You can use the Social Video Board for further work. Social video makes shared knowledge understandable, supports creative processes, ensures smooth handovers and supports decentralized teams.

Successful onboarding increases loyalty to the organization

Die ersten Tage in einer neuen Organisation sind entscheidend. Interaktive Videotrainings und Anleitungsvideos integrieren neue Mitarbeitende vom ersten Tag an. Das entlastet die Einarbeitenden und sorgt dafür, dass sich neue Teammitglieder schnell zugehörig fühlen und produktiv werden.

The first few days in a new organization are important. Interactive video training and instruction videos integrate new employees from day one. This takes the pressure off the induction team and ensures that new team members quickly feel like they belong and become productive.

Schedule a free appointment with us

Or just call us:
+49 (821) 40821205

One platform for everything

The full package of the Social Video Hub

More than just software

The Social Video Hub is a pioneer in the field of interactive video training using the innovative Social Video method. As a pioneer in interactive video work, Ghostthinker has already received several awards for social video.

Easy and scalable

As a web-based platform, the Social Video Hub is immediately ready for use without installation and also offers high scalability, ideal for small teams to large companies.

Proven expertise in learning technology & didactics

With our flexible learning and collaboration solutions, we have been enabling organizations to digitalize their workflows and training offerings for more than 15 years.

Simple Saas integration

Whether as a standalone solution, as a plugin, via an API or LTI interface, the Social Video Hub enables seamless integration into your existing system landscapes and can be flexibly adapted to your corporate design.

Excellent support & advisory services

Our experts will consult you in detail on how to implement the Social Video Hub in your company in a way that is comprehensible across all teams. Our first-class customer support rounds off our comprehensive service package.

Highest security standards and GDPR compliance

The Social Video Hub is 100% developed and hosted in Germany and also fulfills the highest security standards in terms of data protection compliance.

Schedule a free appointment with us ​

Or just call us:
+49 (821) 40821205